Rabu, 06 Februari 2013




Certificate of Ownership of Shares

Why We Need Certificate Shareholding in UInvest?

As quoted from the official website UInvest.com.ua, that "we have certificates stating that you (Investors in UInvest) has the legal power to claim money from UInvest. Whatever is going on with our company (UInvest), you will be treated as a creditor. If companies collapse (bankruptcy), the entire property and all assets - assets will be distributed to the shareholders (creditors) in accordance with the amount. And this certificate issued and signed by UInvest to put your name on it, so make your can get your investment back.
"Our certificates state your legal right to claim your money from UInvest. Whatever happens with our company, you will be treated as a creditor. If the company goes bankrupt and all its property assets will be distributed among creditors accordingly to the amount of debt. Thus, the certificates issued and signed by UInvest, with your name on them, make you Able to get your investments back "

How UInvest send this certificate? Why Requires Delivery Time Is It Old?

For normal conditions, this certificate delivery usually takes up to 50 business days. We work with regular mail delivery, but you can order via DHL delivery certificate by clicking on this button on your account activity, Shares tab https://uinvest.com.ua/component/investprojects/?task=useractivity - Delivery will be in UInvest tagihkan to your account and will be wearing a fee of $ 100.

Delivery Status Certificate

Investors can review the status of delivery of the request certificate on Page Account Activity https://uinvest.com.ua/component/investprojects/?task=useractivity
(Shares Tab - Near DHL Express Sign)

Processed - Certificate being Prepare
Prepared - Certificate Already Ready in form
Sending - Certificate already in the mail


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